This depends on the configuration of the instance and the OB version, please check the wiki: A dirty and useful trick, is to set the address of the receipt ourselves. After running tomcat, in the generate Javascript file search this line: this.templatereceipt = new OB.DS.HWResource(terminal.printTicketTemplate || OB.OBPOSPointOfSale.Print.ReceiptTemplate); Add a breakpoint to the next line: extendHWResource(this.templatereceipt, "printTicketTemplate"); And press F5 to the browser POS Terminal, when it gets to the breakpoint that we added, write the address to your custom receipt in the console (in my case /biz.cleardrop.hpsi.securesubmit/receipts/printCard.xml) : this.templatereceipt = new OB.DS.HWResource("../biz.cleardrop.hpsi.securesubmit/rece